Punk on display

How an idiot got his collection shown at an international event

See you at Stampex 2023

Buy stuff, learn stuff, meet Punk Philatelist and crown a King... it's all happening at Virtual Stampex 2023!

Stampex International 2020 virtually a hit

There have been a lot of online stamp events in 2020, but Stampex International took ‘virtual’ to a whole new level

Summer Lovin’

The Summer of Stamps leads a second wave of coronavirus-busting online innovations for stamp collectors

Auction Watch: Meet Australia’s prized ‘Monograms’

Would you know one of Australia's most valuable stamps if you found one? Learn to look for those squiggles underneath...

Are you self-excluding? Mail Art wants YOU!

Mail Art is the perfect project for the self-excluded, performing art to an audience of one

Dragons fire up StampShow

A superbly named fire-breathing mascot seeks to fan the flames in a new generation

How exhibitionism stripped me bare

Punk visited a stamp exhibition to geek out. So how did it end in an existential crisis?

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